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How to get the first paying customers

Jan 13, 2024, Update: Jan 13, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Starting in the brow artistry world can be daunting, especially when you're faced with the challenge of not having any initial models to showcase your work. This often leads to an 'aggressive waiting' state where you're eager to start but have no clients. This article introduces a proven strategy that has helped thousands of artists make their first sales. It's not just about securing clients; it's about the transformation you undergo as an artist by adopting this approach. Learn how to play the numbers game, apply a dynamic pricing model, and even consider offering your services for free as a strategic move to gain experience and attract clients away from competitors."

1. Background

This article draws upon insights from 82 seasoned PMU (Permanent Makeup) artists, primarily specializing in Powder Brows, Hairstrokes, and Microblading. A significant 72% of these artists transitioned into the pigmentation business within the last three years leading up to the interviews, most of which were conducted between 2020 and 2024. Various ongoing research projects complemented these interviews. Our pool of artists includes 63 from EU countries, 12 from the UK, and seven from the US. Additionally, our research incorporates data from online projects involving over 2000 customers, mainly from EU countries. A key finding was the uniformity in customer psychological reactions and tendencies across different countries and a consensus in artists' perspectives.

This article aims to offer practical advice to new artists on how to approach the challenge of acquiring their first paying customers. While numerous strategies exist in this area, the approach presented here is just one among many. However, it is worth noting that this particular strategy has proven effective, especially during the turbulent years of 2023 and 2024.

2. The “Chicken and Egg” challenge

The Classic “Chicken and the Egg” Problem

For new brow artists, especially those who recently graduated from powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading training, finding the first clients is a major challenge. This situation perfectly exemplifies the classic "chicken and the egg" paradox. To attract new clients, artists need a portfolio with "before and after" photos that showcase their skills and provide social proof. However, to create such a portfolio, they first need clients to work on. This creates a frustrating and confusing cycle for those new to the Powder Brows business.

Understanding the Paradox

This paradox concerns cause and effect: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" If one argues that the chicken came first, the question arises: where did the chicken come from? If it came from an egg, then the egg must have come first. But if the egg came first, it must have been laid by a chicken, leading to a seemingly endless loop where each element seems to depend on the other for its existence. Historically, the "chicken and egg" problem has been discussed in philosophy and science, especially in causality, origins of complex processes, and species development.

The Chicken and Egg in Powder Brows Business

In starting a Powder Brows service, this paradox translates into the challenge of building demand and social proof.

  • Demand Requires Social Proof. To attract clients, a business must demonstrate competence and quality, often through a portfolio, testimonials, before-and-after pictures, and other forms of social proof that build trust.
  • Social Proof Requires Demand. Conversely, the business initially needs clients to build a portfolio and gather testimonials. Without clients, there's no social proof to attract potential clients.

This situation creates a cyclical problem akin to the chicken and egg dilemma. Each aspect is essential for the other, yet obtaining one seems to depend on having the other first.

3. How to break the endless cycle

Thinking vs. Action

In the challenging world of starting as a PMU artist, simply thinking your way out of the "chicken and egg" dilemma isn't effective. This paradox has puzzled even the greatest philosophers for centuries. The practical solution? Offering free procedures on models. Though it may seem too straightforward or even avoidable, this approach is highly recommended by seasoned artists and has proven effective.

At the Crossroads - Choose Taking Action

As a new artist, it's common to start each day with the hope of a suddenly full calendar or an influx of client inquiries. However, this often remains wishful thinking, a form of passive waiting that rarely yields results. Instead of falling into this trap of "aggressive waiting," which could lead to unproductive activities like doomscrolling or binge-watching shows, it's crucial to take definitive action.

Engaging in Proactive Steps

Shift from a passive stance to active engagement. Begin by reaching out to potential models for your practice. This proactive step is essential in moving beyond the cycle of waiting and starting to build a tangible portfolio.

4. Underlying psychological controversy

Manifestation of True Core Identity

An artist's true core identity emerges in challenging situations, like finding the first clients in the PMU industry. This goes beyond merely replacing passive waiting with active doing. The psychological impact of taking action in such scenarios is significant and often reflects an individual's broader approach to life.

Rationalization and Inaction

The human brain has a remarkable ability to rationalize inaction in almost any situation. Interestingly, studies indicate that the more intelligent and experienced a person is, the better they are at concocting plausible and sophisticated reasons for not taking action.

Embracing Imperfect Action

The real strength lies in recognizing that the action might not be the best or most effective solution. More often than not, individuals who choose to act are fully aware of the potential flaws in their strategy. The key to success is the willingness to act despite these imperfections and embrace the uncertainty accompanying this decision. Accepting that no strategy is flawless and proceeding with action is often what separates those who succeed from those who remain stagnant.

Brow Business: A Realm of Action

The brow business is a prime example of an industry where this fundamental human characteristic is evident. The decision to actively seek out clients, offer services, and build a portfolio, despite doubts and imperfections, can significantly impact an artist's career trajectory. This mindset of choosing action over endless contemplation and analysis is crucial for growth and success in the PMU field.

Next Steps

In the following section, we will provide a template for reaching out to potential models. This guide will help you take the initial steps to break out of the cycle and start growing your business practically and effectively. Stay tuned for these actionable strategies.

5. Approaching model candidates

Creating a Target List

The first step in your journey as a PMU artist is to compile a list of potential model candidates. This list should be carefully considered, guided by specific criteria, which are the following.

  • Facial Beauty. While it might sound superficial, the attractiveness of the candidate's face is important. Look for universally appealing facial features. Remember, these models will represent your work, so their appearance is a key factor.
  • Existing Brow Style. Assess whether the candidate has natural brows or has undergone procedures like microblading or Powder Brows. This can be challenging to discern from photos alone, so look for inconsistencies across different images. Ideally, find photos where the candidate is without makeup on their brows.
  • Recent Interaction. Prioritize candidates you have interacted with within the last year. This timeframe tends to make the outreach feel more natural and less daunting. If you have a long list, narrow it down to those you've recently engaged with.

Following these criteria, you can strategically and effectively select the right model candidates. It’s not merely about finding anyone willing to undergo the procedure but choosing individuals who best showcase and endorse your work. The following section will provide a sample message template many artists have effectively used in your field.

6. First touchpoint - Outreach message

Writing Like a Friend, Not a Formal Business

Approach your message as if you're chatting with a friend. A friendly and casual tone helps establish rapport and connection with your potential model. Avoid formalities that might create distance or make the offer feel impersonal. Instead, opt for a conversational style, as if you're having a casual conversation over coffee. Stay away from jargon and overly formal language. Begin with a warm greeting and add a personal touch to set a welcoming tone.

Keep It Simple: Short Sentences and Easy Words

Your message should be straightforward, with easy-to-understand wording and short sentences. Complex language or lengthy explanations can be off-putting or lead to misunderstandings. Use simple, everyday language and break down your thoughts into digestible segments. Be clear and concise, steering clear of unnecessary details or flowery language.

Write with the Concrete Person in Mind

Personalization goes a long way in making the recipient feel valued and unique rather than just another contact. This personal touch indicates that you've carefully considered the offer and see it as more than just a model for your business.

Use the person’s name to personalize the message.

Include specific details relevant to them. If you’ve met before or shared common interests, bring those up.

Tailor the message to reflect any personal connection or familiarity with them.

In the next section, we'll delve deeper into how to personalize your message effectively, ensuring your outreach resonates with the individual and feels genuinely thoughtful.

7. Template for reach out message

The Title

When crafting a title for your email or message, setting the right tone is crucial. You don't want to scare the recipient away with something urgent like "I need help" or "Help me out." On the other hand, avoid sounding too promotional with phrases like "A great opportunity" or "Incredible offer just for you." These can come across as insincere and are often associated with multi-level marketing. Instead, opt for something neutral and relevant like "My new project," "Powder Brows,”, “Hairstrokes,” or "Microblading," depending on the service you offer.

Introductory Sentence

A personal one-liner can establish a connection. Recall a previous interaction or express interest in catching up. For instance, you can use the following.
  • "Hey, remember me from X's birthday party? The aspiring brow artist? :) ”
  • "It's been a while since we last chatted, hasn't it?"
  • "I was thinking about our conversation at [event]. How have you been since?”

Eliminate Fear by Presenting Your Credentials

Reassure the reader of your expertise and qualifications with statements like the following.

  • "I've recently completed my certification in Powder Brows/Microblading/Hairstrokes, and I'm excited to start!"
  • "Remember I mentioned pursuing powder brows? Well, I'm now a certified artist."
  • "I've turned my dream into reality and am officially a certified powder brows (hairstrokes, microblading) artist.”

Explain the Situation

Be clear about why you're reaching out. Tailor the message to explain your need for models. Use lines like the following ones.

  • "I'm building my portfolio and need models with specific features like yours."
  • "For my upcoming promotional work, I'm looking for unique models to showcase these beautiful brows."
  • "I’m searching for individuals with distinct characteristics to help me highlight my work."

Justify the match with "Because" 

Let the candidate know why they are a perfect fit.

  • "I believe you would be perfect for this because of your skin pigmentation, freckles, eye color, etc.”
  • "For the category of redhead (or dark-haired) and brown-eyed models, I think you're a perfect match!"

Mention Price and Create Urgency

Be upfront about costs and encourage a timely response.

  • "Normally, this procedure would cost USD 300, but I'm offering it for free. Please let me know soon if you're interested, as I'm finalizing my model list.”

Encourage a Response

Convey that this is a special opportunity for them, and they should at least respond to express their interest.

8. Understanding the key idea

Engaging Potential Models

The essence of reaching out to potential models is to convey the incredible value you're offering. It's about presenting the opportunity as a gift, clarifying that what you offer benefits them. This approach creates a sense of reciprocity, where the candidate feels inclined to at least respond to your offer.

Personalizing Your Approach

While using the provided templates as a guide, adding your personal touch is important. Many artists have mentioned that when approaching many models, they categorize them into "sub-categories" to ensure each message feels sincere and authentic. This practice helps maintain a genuine connection with each potential model despite reaching out to many.

Templates as a Starting Point

The templates are not a guaranteed formula for success. They serve as a starting point to inspire your customized messages. Tailor them to fit your unique style and the specific qualities of each potential model. The primary goal is to initiate action, move beyond passive waiting, and actively reach out with personalized, thoughtful messages.

Taking Initiative

The crucial step is to take action. Craft messages that resonate with your personality and align with your brand's voice. Remember, the key to success in this venture is not just waiting for opportunities to come to you but actively creating them by reaching out and engaging potential models. Your initiative and effort in personalizing each outreach will be instrumental in building your client base and portfolio.

The true value of sending out messages is that it generally changes your attitude and approach. Instead of waiting, scrolling, and thinking, you are doing something - which is much more meaningful than many initially realize. In other words, the most crucial aspect is to break free from the cycle of passive waiting. You actively drive your business forward by taking the initiative to reach out and connect with potential clients. These guidelines are designed to empower you as an artist, helping you to effectively communicate your services and kickstart your journey in the competitive world of PMU.

9. The first “lousy” sale

Embracing the Milestone of the First Sale

Many artists have found the provided template to be a valuable tool for securing their first sales. Some charge a nominal fee, perhaps USD 50, instead of offering the procedure for free. This first sale, even at a reduced price, is a significant achievement. It marks your transition from dreaming about success to actively pursuing it. Celebrate this milestone as it places you among the proactive artists making tangible strides in their careers.

10. Adopting Dynamic Pricing Approach

Embracing Every Sale as a New Artist

As you embark on your journey as a PMU artist, remember that every sale, regardless of size, is valuable. Seasoned artists often recommend the "dynamic pricing approach" for your initial outreach. The goal at this stage is to stay busy and establish a presence in the market. Sometimes, offering services for free is a strategic move to gain an edge over competitors in your area.

Starting Small and Scaling Up

Consider adjusting your pricing strategy once you begin attracting models and perhaps even make a few initial sales. This doesn't mean a drastic price hike but a gradual increase to make your work more profitable. This method of dynamic pricing, used by companies like Uber, is about adapting your prices based on demand and your capacity. When you're busier, you can afford to ask for more. However, offering services for free or at a lower price can keep you engaged and prevent idle time when facing quieter periods.

The Numbers Game: Securing Your First Sale 100%

Sending out a large volume of personalized messages will eventually lead to your first paying customer. The consensus among experienced artists is that consistent outreach is key. Whether it's the universe aligning in your favor or encountering someone considering a PMU service like powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading, taking action is crucial. This proactive approach virtually guarantees your first sale. The more messages you send, your chances of connecting with a potential client increase. Stay persistent, and your efforts will pay off.

11. Conclusions

Overcoming Initial Challenges as a PMU Artist

Starting as a powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading artist often involves facing the classic "chicken and egg" problem. You need a compelling portfolio to attract clients, but to build this portfolio, you first need clients. This dilemma can easily lead to rationalization, resulting in inaction and what seasoned artists term "aggressive waiting." These passive strategies are rarely productive.

The Power of Taking Action

The crucial factor in breaking out of this cycle is taking action. This means actively reaching out to potential models, as detailed in this article's "template" section. This approach has been proven effective, even during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic and the so-called PMU Apocalypse in 2023. It's a numbers game; by consistently applying this strategy, you're almost guaranteed to secure your first sale. While the initial fees might be modest, often around USD 50, this method is a tested pathway to start your journey.

Adapting the Dynamic Pricing Model

As you begin to receive small fees from models, it's important not to misconstrue this as a breakthrough that warrants an immediate charge increase. Instead, adopt a dynamic pricing model similar to that of Uber. When bookings are up, you can increase your fees. Conversely, consider lowering your rates during slower periods or even offering free services to prevent potential clients from seeking other artists. This flexible approach is not just about immediate gains but preparing you for future competition and establishing a robust presence in the PMU industry.

Growth and Competitiveness

Embracing this strategy is about more than just securing initial sales; it's a transformative process that molds you into a competitive artist. Staying active, adaptable, and responsive to market dynamics sets the foundation for long-term success in the PMU field. Remember, becoming a renowned artist starts with these small but significant steps.
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Sunday, Jan 28, 2024

Helen Tate

Thursday, Jan 25, 2024

Ronald Daniel

Sunday, Jan 14, 2024

I am a go getter myself, I like this approach, It was at first very very hard for me to follow that sort of attitude because I am an introvert, but the more I did it the better I got! I totally agree that you just have to push harder and hard-close even because those are the ones who get the business! And I want and even need to get the business from my competitors :-D

Saturday, Jan 13, 2024

Excellent article, I very much love this simple and practical approach: I am also a member and I want to get certified in 2 categories!

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