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Guest Content Creation (GCC) in brow business

Jan 11, 2024, Update: Jan 11, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Guest Content Creation (GCC) is a highly effective branding, marketing, and personal brand-building strategy, particularly skillfully executed. This article explores the practical aspects of GCC, drawing on the experiences and successes of seasoned artists. Here, we'll explore how to leverage GCC to its fullest potential, ensuring that your efforts in branding and selling your services are impactful and rewarding. "

1. Background

This article draws from the ideas and observations of 131 brow pigmentation artists. These professionals, primarily specializing in powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading, bring significant expertise to the table, with the vast majority having over three years of experience in the field. The research projects that inform this article were conducted between 2019 and 2024, with several still ongoing.

This article focuses on a particular marketing strategy that, while often overlooked by many artists, has been employed very effectively by others in the brow business. This strategy is known as 'guest content creation.' The aim is to elucidate this concept and provide practical ideas for its implementation, offering insights into how it can be leveraged for success in brow pigmentation.

2. Concept of guest content creation

Understanding the Concept of Guest Content Creation

Many brow artists know the potential advantages of guest content creation yet find the process challenging. Reaching out to site owners, academy heads, or editors often leads to silence or polite rejections. So, how can one break through this barrier? This article sheds light on an effective approach that has yielded results for many artists. The key lies in prioritizing quality and substance. Treat your content as if it's of the highest standard. By doing so, building real and meaningful connections with those who control access to platforms with large followings or high traffic of your target demographics becomes less of a concern.

Seeing it from the Channel Owner's Perspective

A crucial observation shared by many experienced artists is the need for a shift in mindset. Artists aiming to produce guest content must learn to view the concept from the perspective of the feed or platform owner, focusing on what benefits them rather than solely pushing their agenda. This change in approach is essential. The likelihood of success is limited without the willingness to understand the interaction from the channel owner's viewpoint. By aligning with the interests and needs of the platform or feed owner, artists can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

3. GCC for brow artists

Guest Content Creation (GCC) is a potent tool for brow artists looking to expand their reach, gain more attention, and secure backlinks. But what does GCC truly entail, and how can it be effectively utilized in the context of powder brows artistry?

Defining Guest Content Creation

GCC is a form of content marketing where an individual creates content to be posted on a third-party website, social media feed, blog, or other platforms. This strategy is aimed at promoting a personal or professional brand. The concept revolves around offering valuable content to the audience of the chosen medium. In return, as the content creator, you get to enhance your online presence and reach. However, it's important to understand what GCC is not. For a powder brows artist, it's not about getting free advertising. Guest posting is about mutual benefits and not a one-sided promotion.

Honest Disclaimers from Medium Owners

Many chief editors, including those at Powderbrows.com, academy owners, and key personnel with substantial followings, have expressed concerns about the quality of guest content they receive. They often describe it as “downright absurd.” Common issues include low-quality content, rudimentary text focused solely on self-promotion, and sometimes even unrealistic demands for posting or publishing. Images with poor quality or childish stickers and texts that do nothing more than advertise the artist or their academy are examples of what not to do. This approach is far from what GCC aims to achieve and is often counterproductive.

Thus, GCC is a valuable approach for powder brows artists to broaden their audience and establish their brand online. However, it requires a thoughtful, quality-focused strategy that aligns with the interests of both the content creator and the medium owner. Understanding this balance is key to successful guest content creation and should be internalized before proceeding.

4. Advantages of GCC

As a brow artist specializing in powder brows or hairstrokes, why should you consider guest content creation (GCC) as a key part of your marketing strategy? The answer lies in the balance between achieving visibility and managing a budget, which is especially crucial for those starting in the beauty industry.

Cost-Effective Marketing Alternative

Financial constraints often limit expansive marketing in the initial phase of establishing a brow business. With substantial advertising costs, GCC emerges as a practical and cost-effective alternative. Instead of pouring money into paid ads, investing time and creativity in developing engaging content can be more beneficial. The financial gain from sharing your posts on platforms with significant followings can be impressive. Comparing the savings to paid marketing, the benefits can easily exceed four digits for a single post. This doesn't even account for the intangible benefits and networking opportunities.

No Direct Financial Investment Needed

One of the biggest draws of GCC is that it doesn’t require a financial outlay. It’s an accessible strategy for everyone, especially for artists who might not have a large marketing budget or the means to invest in expensive advertising.

Building Authority in the Industry

Publishing content on platforms with a substantial reach helps establish your credibility as a brow professional. Authority in this context refers to the respect and trust a professional gains through real-world experience and expertise. For emerging artists, this can be an opportunity to "fake it till you make it," presenting yourself as a knowledgeable specialist.

Generating Inbound Contacts and Revenue

GCC can significantly increase inbound contacts – potential clients who initiate interaction because they actively seek brow services. Many artists report that guest posting has led to more bookings and increased revenue. This approach showcases your skills and directly connects you with people interested in your services.

Considering all these factors, the value of GCC should be seriously evaluated. Many established artists acknowledge that guest content creation has been pivotal in boosting their careers, especially at critical junctures. Financially and broadly speaking, the impact of such initiatives can be immense, underlining the importance of incorporating GCC into your marketing strategy.

5. ”Content is the Currency” approach

In digital marketing and online promotion, there's a prevailing notion that "Content is the new currency." To fully understand and leverage this concept, you must recognize that the content you offer for guest posting is a form of currency. You're using this content to 'pay' for the advertising and promotion you receive in return.

Understanding the Transactional Nature of Content

Imagine the process as a transaction where both parties involved gain something valuable. On one end, as the content creator, you receive advertising and promotion for your services. Conversely, the host website or platform benefits from new, engaging content that enhances the site's value. This mutual benefit is the cornerstone of successful content-based collaborations.

The Crucial Role of Content Value

However, the consequences can be detrimental if you manage to get a reputable platform with high engagement to publish content that lacks substantial value. Poor quality content can disappoint the host's audience, potentially damaging your reputation and the relationship with the platform. Hence, exchanging content for advertising must be equitable and advantageous for both parties. This approach should be as professional as any other business transaction. Recognize your worth and the value you bring to the table, and ensure that your content meets the advertising and promotion standard you aim to achieve.

Leveraging High-Quality Content

If you produce content that is practically useful, original, and presented through engaging text, exciting videos, or high-quality pictures, you have something valuable that the medium owner desires. This puts you in a favorable position to choose where and how your content is published. High-quality content opens doors to better promotional opportunities and positions you as a desirable contributor, giving you the upper hand in deciding the most strategic platforms for your content.

6. Balancing value in GCC

Kevin O'Leary, a prominent investor from "Shark Tank," once suggested that the best deals are those where neither party gets everything they want. Still, both make concessions, saying, "In the Very Best Deals, Everybody Walks Away Unhappy.” This wisdom holds in Guest Content Creation (GCC). The art lies in striking a balance where both the content creator and the platform feel they are giving up something valuable, yet both stand to gain significantly.

Understanding the Exchange in GCC

Regarding GCC, as a content creator, you might create something of such intrinsic value that the feed owner or platform editor feels compelled to accept your branding message or promotion embedded within the content. This could be through an insistence on your part or because it's so inherently integrated, like a label, web address, or handle in a video or text built on your customer success story.

Negotiating a Win-Win Deal

In this exchange, your effort and the value you invest in the post should be something you almost regret parting with just for the promotion you'll receive. Conversely, the platform should feel that they are providing an exceptional promotional opportunity, so valuable that they might question if the quality of your post justifies it. This interpretation of O'Leary's saying doesn't imply a loss for either party. Instead, it's about winning and knowing the value of what's being exchanged: you give away compelling content, and the medium owner provides substantial personal brand promotion for free.

Meeting the Gold Standard

In practical terms, this means two things for your content creation strategy. First, your post must be genuinely valuable, representing your expertise and insights – not something you'd give away lightly. Second, the platform that publishes your content should have an engaged readership where your content will be seen and appreciated.

The goal is to find a balance where both parties might feel slightly uncomfortable with the deal but fully recognize its inherent value. This ensures that both the content creator and the publishing platform are committed to the success of the guest post, with neither feeling they've compromised too much or too little. Such collaborations are more likely to be successful, benefiting both the brow artist and the host platform. Entering negotiations requires that your “currency" - your content - meets this gold standard, far from mere fluff and truly valuable.

7. Approaching medium owners

Be Humble in Your Approach When considering guest content creation, it might seem tempting to offer your services to a platform as though you were a renowned author or an acclaimed video director. However, let's face reality: you're probably an unknown brow artist seeking attention and inbound contacts initially. You're not alone in this pursuit, but overplaying your hand can be counterproductive, potentially making you appear overconfident and jeopardizing future opportunities. It's important, therefore, not to pretend to be a superstar in the field. Recognize that you might be just starting or one among many students from an academy. When approaching platforms, do so with straightforwardness, politeness, and professionalism.

Understand the Platform's or Feed Owner’s Style Understanding the platform's or academy’s style is crucial. Invest time to familiarize yourself with what they have published so far. This research will help you know their preferred tone, style, and content requirements. Determining whether they favor a casual, Buzzfeed-style approach or a more serious, Vice-style counter-culture content is essential. They might even prefer conservative material akin to what larger cosmetics companies publish. Grasping their style isn't just about knowing their preferences; it's about resonating with their audience. Assess whether the platform's owner appreciates humor and light-hearted content or prefers strictly professional material focusing on detail.

If you can't align your writing with the platform's style and tone, you risk wasting your time and theirs. Their stance on sensitive topics like politics and religion is also worth considering. Though often deemed separate from business, these aspects can significantly influence a platform's content and audience.

Evaluate your Contribution

Critically evaluate what you can contribute. Ask yourself if the platform's readers are interested in the beauty business, powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading, and whether their demographic matches the target audience for your content. Be realistic and self-critical about what their readers would gain from your contribution. The collaboration might not be successful if there's a mismatch between the platform's interests and what you offer. Please pay close attention to the platform's content to gauge current trends and the services they are focusing on. Reading comments and attending their webinars can provide insights into their future goals. Understanding these aspects will help you successfully connect and contribute to their evolving needs, focusing on what they aim to achieve tomorrow, not what they sought yesterday.

8. Enhancing “Evergreens”

A Strategic Approach for Guest Content Creators

When engaging in guest content creation, it's crucial to understand the concept of "Evergreens" – the foundational content pillars of a medium. These core topics have consistently driven traffic and engagement for the platform. Here's how you can navigate this aspect effectively.

Recognizing the Importance of “Evergreens”

"Evergreens" are those topics or articles that have become staples for a platform, often reflected in posts with high shares or consistent traffic. These pieces are like the platform’s 'antiques,' crucial in generating backlinks and steady traffic. While it might be tempting to challenge these 'antiques' or offer a contrarian viewpoint, it's essential to understand that they are often central to the platform's business and success. Attacking these foundational aspects can backfire, as they are likely integral to the platform's or academy's revenue generation.

Contributing to “Evergreens” Thoughtfully

Instead of challenging these 'Evergreens,' consider how to add to them. One effective strategy is to create content that complements these well-ranked articles. For instance, you could frame your contribution as an update or a fresh take on these topics, like "X in [current year]" or "What's New in X?" This approach allows you to add value without undermining the platform's established content.

Adding Fresh Perspectives While Respecting the Original

Your goal should be to fill in the gaps and update the evergreen content to make it relevant for today’s audience. Focus on enhancing the original article by adding new angles and insights. Acknowledge the value of the existing content and build upon it, bringing it into the current context. This method of adding fresh perspectives while respecting the original content has proven successful for many artists. It maintains the integrity of the platform's prized content and enriches it, making these 'Evergreens' more relevant and engaging for today's audience.

9. Presenting Your Guest Content Idea

Smart Strategies for Presenting Your Guest Content Idea

When you're a brow artist looking to contribute to larger platforms, it’s crucial to present your guest content ideas in a manner that maximizes your chances of success. Here's how to avoid common pitfalls and make a compelling case for your content.

Avoid the Rookie Mistake

A frequent mistake made by new contributors is to focus too much on what they want to gain from the collaboration. Starting your pitch by emphasizing your benefits can be off-putting and may jeopardize your chances.

Focus on the Platform's Audience

Rather than centering on your desires or what the platform owner might gain, the most effective approach is highlighting the benefits your content could bring to the platform’s readers. When you pitch your idea, detail why it would be useful, beneficial, and relevant to the end readers. The key lies in showcasing the value and interest your content will bring to the followers and readers of the medium.

Emphasize Your Unique Perspective

Share your unique angle on the subject. Platforms often appreciate content that includes personal experiences, such as lessons learned from your or your clients’ mistakes. Demonstrate how these insights can benefit the platform's readers, helping them save money or avoid common pitfalls.

Consider proposing concrete title ideas that succinctly capture the essence of your content, using odd numbers for list-based titles if applicable. It’s important to show how your personal experiences as a brow artist can be directly applicable and valuable to the audience.

Consider Offering Exclusivity

One effective tactic to enhance the appeal of your proposal is to offer exclusivity. Once you receive positive initial feedback and agree that your content meets the agreed standards, the platform will publish it, ideally without modification. Exclusivity can be a significant draw for medium owners and can make your proposal stand out.

Keep It Concise

When describing your idea, be concise. Avoid overloading your proposal with too much information. A clear, focused pitch is more likely to be well-received and considered realistic by the recipient. By adopting a reader-focused approach, emphasizing your unique experiences, and presenting your ideas clearly and concisely, you can create a proposal that resonates with the platform's needs and interests.

10. Conclusions

Guest Content Creation (GCC) is a strategic form of content marketing where individuals create and share content on third-party websites, social media feeds, blogs, or other platforms. Its primary goal is to promote a personal or professional brand by offering valuable content to the audience of the chosen medium. As a content creator, engaging in GCC enables you to enhance your online presence and reach significantly. However, it's crucial to understand that GCC, especially for a powder brows artist, isn't just about securing free advertising; it's about creating mutual benefits and not merely one-sided promotion.

GCC can be incredibly cost-effective, particularly for artists in the early stages of their careers. It offers significant reach and engagement through the partner's platform or feeds followers without the need for direct financial investment in marketing. Additionally, it is an excellent way to build authority in the industry, garner inbound leads, and establish your brand as an artist.

When approaching GCC, adopt the mindset that "Content is the new currency." This means you must produce inherent value content to negotiate effectively with medium owners. The most successful deals are those where the quality of your content compels the medium owner to publish it, even if it includes substantial self-promotion.

When reaching out to medium owners and academy leaders, approach with humility and a thorough understanding of their platform's style, balance of humor versus professionalism, and content focus. Critically evaluate your content to ensure it aligns with their strategic goals and shifts in focus over time.

Importantly, respect the platform's "evergreens" - the older yet valuable content that forms the pillars of their business. Even if your views differ, avoid highlighting discrepancies and focus instead on aligning with their established values, presenting these "evergreens" in a fresh and positive light.

In presenting your ideas for collaboration and GCC, shift the focus from what the medium owner gains to the benefits for their audience. This perspective increases your chances of striking a successful GCC deal. Offering exclusivity and showcasing samples of your work can further demonstrate the quality and value you bring. Emphasize your personal experiences and ensure all communication is succinct, focused, and relevant.

Successful GCC requires a well-thought-out approach, respecting the dynamics of the platforms you engage with while showcasing your unique value as a contributor. This strategy benefits your branding and enriches the content landscape of the medium you partner with.
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Sunday, Feb 04, 2024

I have never looked at this in that way, but when you think about it photo content can be content too, and also guest content :)

Thursday, Jan 11, 2024

Just excellent article! I love it – very useful material! I shall try this with my academy owner. It made me think in a new way!

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