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Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 25, 2023  

Iron oxides in pigmetns

Many brand owners, lacking the necessary facilities and equipment to reprocess iron oxide, tout their products as being crafted through "revolutionary methods," branding them as "next generation," "purified," and "ECHA compliant" iron oxide pigments. However,...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 18, 2023  

How to understand your pigmetns

Knowing your pigments is paramount. This article delves into various techniques to uncover the true nature of your pigments: the magnet test, water test, napkin test, drawdowns, and the strategy of directly approaching producers. Each...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 07, 2023  

Laser removal

The laser removal procedure may seem like an easy solution. Though it is often safe and effective, a professional and realistic approach is essential without being overly optimistic. The reasons for this are explained in...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 05, 2023  

Pigment particle's life-cycle

How pigment stays in the skin? When pigment enters the skin, five primary fates await them: swift transport to the lymphatic system, unexpected migration, capture by vigilant macrophages, sequestration within fibrous networks, and entanglement in...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 04, 2023  

From Atoms to Droplets (Five-level analysis)

We can analyze pigment colorants for Powder Brows on at least five levels: atom, molecule, particle, aggregate, and droplet. Seeing the pigment on a level other than a particle may make interesting social media content,...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 03, 2023  

Why brows turn gray?

Brows turning gray can be primarily attributed to lightfastness differences between carbon black and other colorants in the pigment formulation. However, the enduring grayish appearance is due to the inherent properties of smaller carbon black...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 02, 2023  

Why brows turn red?

Why some brow treatments turn red over time? It's about the biochemistry of iron oxide and its reaction with ferritin, a protein our bodies make. These reactions can alter iron's oxidation state, resulting in that...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 01, 2023  

Why brows turn blue?

Brows or eyeliner turning “bluish” is something that can be studied, understood, and prevented. This article dives into the reasons behind this phenomenon and offers practical solutions to avoid it.
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 30, 2023  

Physcial properties of pigments

Understanding the physical properties of colorants is the key to understanding why “brows turn blue” or why some pigments are easier to implant than others. You can’t evaluate colorants based solely on their chemical characteristics....
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 24, 2023  

How to mix pigments (colorimetry basics)

How to mix pigments for Powder Brows? While advertisements from pigment manufacturers may make it sound almost magical, the reality is a mix of simplicity and complexity. Some things are easier than they seem, while...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 22, 2023  

Most Important Pigment Components

Full list of most important components in Powder Brows pigments. Perfect for beginners aiming to excel and informative for pros who want to know more.
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 21, 2023  

How to read the pigment labels?

Reading pigment labels isn't rocket science. Approach it with a level head and realistic expectations. Most companies provide only the bare minimum of information; hands-on experience usually trumps label details.
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 17, 2023  

Organic, Inorganic, and Hybrid Pigments

You might think you know pigments as simply "organic," "inorganic," or "hybrid," but there's much more beneath the surface. Dive into this article to uncover the nuances that every artist should know.
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Holistic PMU

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