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Powder brows
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Personality traits
Online booking
Basic facts
Before procedure
Powder brows
Social media
Personality traits
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 23, 2024  

How to retouch brow pictures using Photoshop

The art of perfecting a client's skin in photos is more science than luck. It's about understanding the mechanics of the right Photoshop tools and applying them in the correct sequence to achieve flawless results....
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 20, 2024  

How to detect fake followers

In today's online world, you can buy almost anything on Instagram - from followers and likes to comments and video views. However, trying to pretend these bought followers are real is hard work. It's tough...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 17, 2024  

How to build an effective website in brow business

Starting a website for your Powder Brows business might feel overwhelming, but it's all about knowing the basics. This guide aims to help you avoid common mistakes and steer you towards a smoother process. With...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 12, 2024  

How to get started after the training

Starting your journey as a brow artist? Welcome to the 'honeymoon period'’ where the thrill of newly acquired skills can sometimes lead to a phase of expectant waiting. But remember, in this industry, 'aggressive waiting'...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 12, 2024  

Online booking - pros and cons

As a rising artist in the PMU industry, you might think streamlining the booking process is the key to growing your client base. However, while convenience is essential, it's not a guaranteed solution for attracting...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 09, 2024  

Is it a good idea to buy fake followers

The debate around fake followers is a hot-button issue in the Powder Brows industry, generating a wide range of views. While some professionals see buying followers as a shortcut to boost new accounts, this approach...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 07, 2024  

Moving from Instagram to TikTok

Moving from Instagram to TikTok offers an exciting but challenging experience, particularly for your initial posts on the new platform. Artists often look for clear guidance to navigate this shift effectively. Given the distinct differences...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 06, 2024  

Raising prices to get more clients vs. demand-based pricing (DBP)

Navigating the brow business landscape demands more than technical skill; it requires strategic acumen. While Marc Andreessen's celebrated advice to "raise prices" echoes through the startup world, its application in the brow industry is nuanced....
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 04, 2024  

How to develop and evaluate Instagram accounts in brow business

For powder brows artists navigating Instagram, the true worth of an account isn't just about how many followers you have. It's about the real connections and alignment between your followers and what you offer. An...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Feb 01, 2024  

Practical tips for creating Tik Tok videos in brow business

Creating engaging TikTok videos can effectively expand your audience and enhance engagement, yet many artists grapple with finding the perfect balance in planning, filming, and editing. This often leads to excessive time spent on production...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 29, 2024  

What skills does the starting artist need?

Embarking in the brow business during 2024-2025 requires more than just basic knowledge - mastering three crucial skill sets. In this enlightening piece, we delve into these key skill sets candidly, hoping to equip you...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 28, 2024  

How to use TikTok in brow business

When navigating social media advertising, it's important to understand that each platform has its own set of rules. What works wonders on one platform might not have the same effect on TikTok. This can make...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 26, 2024  

How to Create Effective Facebook Ads?

In Facebook advertising, artists must think differently. Remember, the look of an ad doesn't need to match your style or be something you love. Unlike a piece of art in your home, an ad's job...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 23, 2024  

A smart approach to academy models

Every academy in the powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading industry is essentially a business structured in a clear hierarchy with a leader at the top. This setup mirrors typical business structures, and there's nothing inherently...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 21, 2024  

How to Get Started Doing Things That Do Not Scale

In the dynamic world of powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading, a universal approach doesn't work. Many new artists fall into the trap of copying strategies used by seasoned artists from the past or even their...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 19, 2024  

Do you need a website as a brow artist?

A professional website is the cornerstone of successful marketing in the bustling world of brow business. Yet, while vital, it's just the beginning. Beware of the hopes for easy solutions; the journey to a thriving...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 18, 2024  

Understanding the conversion funnel on Facebook

Many brow artists, particularly newcomers in powder brows and hairstrokes, venture into Facebook advertising but often are disappointed with the results. Quickly labeling it as "ineffective," they overlook the real issue, which isn't Facebook's limitations...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 17, 2024  

How to Enter Brow Business as an Underdog

Entering a new market in the beauty industry isn’t a welcoming party where opportunities are handed to you on a silver platter. Whether it’s powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading, success requires more than skill and...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 16, 2024  

How to use ICE in the brow business?

In powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading, success requires wearing many hats, often demanding a blend of creativity and analytical precision. This might explain why some brow artists who have involved their partners in their business...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 14, 2024  

How to approach salons effectively

Have you ever considered working as a "guest star" artist in salons but found yourself stuck on how to turn this idea into reality? Many artists encounter this challenge, trying to figure out how to...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 14, 2024  

How to analyze supply and demand in brow business

When contemplating a career as a powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading artist, it's often tempting to approach the question superficially, make emotional decisions, and then expend significant mental energy rationalizing those choices afterward. However, this...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 13, 2024  

How to get the first paying customers

Starting in the brow artistry world can be daunting, especially when you're faced with the challenge of not having any initial models to showcase your work. This often leads to an 'aggressive waiting' state where...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 12, 2024  

Beginners mistakes Powder Brows and Hairstrokes artists make

When contemplating a career in Powder brows or Microblading, it's essential to approach with a discerning eye. The field may seem glamorous and lucrative from afar, but the reality may be more complex. In this...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 11, 2024  

Guest Content Creation (GCC) in brow business

Guest Content Creation (GCC) is a highly effective branding, marketing, and personal brand-building strategy, particularly skillfully executed. This article explores the practical aspects of GCC, drawing on the experiences and successes of seasoned artists. Here,...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Jan 05, 2024  

Building Authority in Brow business

Navigating the brow business successfully goes beyond crafting an image; it's about strategically constructing that image. Achieving authority is crucial. Opting for the right strategy can lead to faster acknowledgment and long-term triumph. Prioritize clarity...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 31, 2023  

How to evaluate Instagram accounts?

The world of Instagram is more complex than it seems at first glance. Many Brow artists focus on providing the best service but often don't delve into the deep, holistic analysis of their accounts that...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 29, 2023  

Choosing Independence or Allegiance (Affiliate Systems in the Brow Business)

Considering affiliate relationships is a pivotal decision for most artists in the brow business at some stage of their career. This article objectively explores the advantages and disadvantages of engaging with academy models and corporate...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 29, 2023  

To add more services or not? (Research results)

To add more services or not? Are you an artist considering expanding your service offerings? It's a common and crucial decision. This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of adding new services. We'll also introduce...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 28, 2023  

"Fake it Until You Make it" in brow business

Is "Faking It Until Making It" essential in the brow business? Absolutely, but it's not about fluff or deception. It's about being strategic and knowing when and which tools to use to enhance your skills...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 27, 2023  

Offline and online marketing in brow business

Online or Offline Marketing: Where to Begin? Deciding whether online or offline marketing is more effective isn't straightforward. The truth is, both have their merits. However, understanding where to direct your initial efforts is essential....
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 26, 2023  

Discount campaigns in brow business

Is running a discount campaign a fast track to failure? Not if you do it right. However, many get it wrong and end up in a damaging "race to the bottom.” Discounts are part of...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 17, 2023  

Group training vs. individual training (research results )

Group training undoubtedly has its perks: camaraderie with peers, a dynamic atmosphere, and an energizing vibe, to name a few. But the key question remains: Is it the most effective format for achieving success in...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 11, 2023  

Personal Branding and "pocket brow brands"

Are you wondering whether to focus on your personal brand or align yourself with a brow brand for career success? At different stages of your career, you might actually need both. Creating your own ‘pocket...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 06, 2023  

Branding generated social proof in brow business (research results)

"Social proof" is a well-acknowledged key to success in the world of pigmentation artistry. This article explores the specifics of its influence, providing research-backed insights into how social proof affects the costs of maintaining social...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 05, 2023  

Commitment and the booking fee (research results)

Is charging a booking fee a smart strategy for attracting more clients, or does it create a sense of distrust that turns potential customers away? This article explores this question, presenting insights from actual research...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 05, 2023  

Development and future of permanent makeup

As the semi-permanent makeup industry grows and evolves, many wonder about its future. With a market that is becoming increasingly saturated and a growing awareness of the strengths and limitations of various techniques and styles,...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 04, 2023  

What is the Value of Your Brow Business (Investors perspective)

Many brow artists claim their businesses are worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even more. Let's explore this valuation through the lens of a venture capitalist. Often, the reality turns out...
Powderbrows.com / Holisttic PMU
Dec 03, 2023  

The Roles of a Starting Brow Artist

In this article, we aim to clarify the ten essential roles for success in the pigmentation business for starting artists. These roles include Artist, Accountant, Real-Estate Broker, Marketing Strategist, Negotiator, Visual Designer, Copywriter, Branding Expert,...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Dec 01, 2023  

Why starting artist fail

Artists starting in the pigmentation industry are usually aware of the challenges in the initial phase, but research shows they frequently underestimate the true difficulty. Many are further than they realize from achieving a sustainable...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 28, 2023  

The “Unicorn Strategy” in the Brow Business

“Unicorn Strategy” refers to the collaboration of brow artists with professionals in complementary fields such as lashes, nails, and hair. First coined by us in 2017, this term has become synonymous with a successful approach...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 26, 2023  

Cost of getting started  - “Money In” budget approach

Composing the first budget in the powder brows pigmentation business is hard because “the sky is the limit” regarding potential expenses. The list of seemingly essential costs can appear endless. In reality, only a select...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 20, 2023  

How to avoid over-investing as a starting artist (expert advice)

Starting artists in the pigmentation business can often take on unnecessary costs. Common areas of over-investment include expensive PMU machines, a wide range of pigments, high-end photo equipment, fixed salon rent, and services from branding...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 15, 2023  

Breaking the re-learning cycle with a holistic approach 

Embarking on a journey to master the art of powder brows goes beyond mere technique; it requires a deep dive into the interconnected realms of chemistry, physics, biology, and psychology. Without a solid foundation in...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 13, 2023  

How to gain trust in the brow business?

How to build trust? The research shows that the factors are professional setup, exceptional service quality, and being an all-in-all nice character. Who knew you just need to get two out of free to get...
Powcerbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 11, 2023  

How does brand matter in brow business

The value of aligning with an academy brand can significantly impact your work, but only if the brand itself holds weight. Let's dive into what makes a brand valuable in the first place.
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 10, 2023  

Key factors of success in brow business (research results)

What factors really propel you to success after brow training? Group size, training duration, the expertise of the trainer, or the driving force of motivation? Hear it from the students who became top earners within...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Nov 10, 2023  

How not to lose motivation and know your break-even

One factor that sets successful artists apart from those who quit is knowing how much they'll earn per procedure in the early months and how much they need to invest in performing these procedures. This...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 27, 2023  

Monumental Naivety in Brow Business

Don't let naivety hinder your success in the Powder Brows business. Remember, it's a competitive market where it is artist vs. artist. To truly succeed, you need to understand what customers say they want and...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 24, 2023  

How to differentiate with brand?

Are you a looking to stand out from the crowd? Relying solely on showcasing your work on social media may not be enough. A strong brand name can help you make your mark. In this...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 23, 2023  


Hygiene plays a critical role in the Powder Brows industry. While little empirical evidence shows a high risk of infection or cross-contamination, lax hygiene standards can significantly hurt your competitive edge. It’s a player vs....
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 22, 2023  

Brow Artist Marketing in 2023-2024

Dealing with the sales and marketing landscape for the Powder Brows business and the broader Permanent Makeup (PMU) field in 2023-2024 is challenging. Most artists agree: the easy fixes have all been exhausted, leaving only...
Powderbrows.com/Holistic PMU
Oct 19, 2023  

How to Skip the Phase of the Starting Artist?

Launching a new business is challenging, especially as a brow artist. But what if you could bypass the initial struggle and hit the ground running? This article gives some tips how to do just that.
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 18, 2023  

How to get started as a Powder Brows Artist (Expert Advice)

Starting your journey as a young artist in the powder brows business can feel overwhelming. But navigating this complex landscape without a strategy is a surefire way to hinder your success. This article offers essential...
Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
Oct 16, 2023  

Good vs. Great artist (Personality traits)

In the competitive landscape of Powder Brows and microblading, the difference between "good" artists who achieve notable success and "great" artists who attain extraordinary results is striking. This article delves into the unexpected traits that...
Powderbrows.com LLC serves as the premier resource for material related to Powder Brows, Microblading, and the business of brow services. For collaboration opportunities, contact us here
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Holistic PMU

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